Self-Control. Ah, self-control. You can control your reactions. Very little shows up in your life, in which you can predict beforehand.
Self-Control. Ah, self-control. You can control your reactions. Very little shows up in your life, in which you can predict beforehand.
Has this ever happened to you? You meet someone and introduce yourself, only to learn that you have already met the person. Well, I had a similar experience this morning when I brought my car to the dealership for routine service.
It’s Nice To Meet You Read More »
In everything we do, we teach. This is most often associated with children or professional instruction. It rings true with absolutely everything. Teaching points are usually pleasant and uplifting. For fun, let’s consider an example of being on the receiving end of a rude comment or gesture, shall we?
In Everything We Do, We Teach Read More »
Trying something new can be frightening, cause anxiety or be downright frustrating. Why is that? When we were children, we tried new things all the time and could care less about the outcome.
Try Something New Read More »
I love reminders. I use them all the time. On my iPhone, paper notes, white boards, there are many ways in which I re-mind myself. Why?
What we put our attention on grows in our lives. When we choose to focus our lives on all that is good, just and lovely, these qualities multiply in our lives.
Are You Spending Your Time or Investing It? Read More »