Mondays Happen

Monday Traditon

Mondays Happen. That’s a fact.

Some days we look forward to while we dread others. This could be a specific day of the week, a future event or even an annual holiday.

My wife, Keri, taught me many years ago that it is important to look for something positive in every situation. And it’s true. If we loosen our grip on our lives and view our situation with an innocent attitude we are sure to find at least one small positive in every situation, regardless of what that specific situation entails.

Now, back to Mondays.

Keri and I have had date night every single Monday night since we have been together. At this point in our lives, we put the kids to bed on time or early, then have Nachos (Keri’s own recipe) and some ice cream.

Related Post: Is Date Night Really That Important?

It’s a way for Keri and I to connect and give us something exciting to look forward to on any given Monday.

Mondays can be challenging, stressful and sometimes downright debilitating. This tradition gives us a boost to start off our week as well as an opportunity to focus on our relationship. It is an absolute blessing in our lives.

What is your favorite thing about Monday?

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