Investing Your Time

Investing Your Time

Are you spending your time or are you investing it?  Keri and I recently took our family on an impromptu excursion that left each of us grateful for the experience.  It was an investment in ourselves and our family that pays us back immediately, as well as, in the years to come.  One of our favorite moments happened on the ride home and as we heard our kids talk about how great our next trip together will be.

So many times in our lives we spend our time.  Days fly by; we wonder where the day went, or the week, or perhaps, even the year.  We wake up, look at ourselves in the mirror, and wonder how we arrived at such a state.  Too many times we are spending our time instead of investing it.

Investing our time is simple; the difference is extraordinary.  Investing our time means being fully present in the moment and focused on our self and those present in our immediate experience.  This is usually associated with loved ones and it can also apply in business or formal settings.

Keri and I usually spend our weekends this time of year going from one kids’ event to another.  Some unseasonal weather caused our plans to change and we took full advantage of it.  We decided to book a two night stay on Cape Cod.

It was amazing!  The experience provided us an opportunity to focus specifically on family time as well as enjoy the beauty of nature.  We spent hours walking on the beach; in one instance we walked for about a mile into the bay during low tide.  We took pictures, collected seashells, ate at restaurants, laughed a lot and made countless memories together.

The entire experience was restoring to the soul.

How is this playing out in your own life? 

Are you allowing life to happen to you or are you intentionally investing your time?

Keri and I have observed that the more investments we make in ourselves, the more our lives are enriched and our family’s overall joy increases dramatically.  We make family decisions.  We give our children an equal say (wherever possible and explain why when we cannot).  We take lots of vacations.  Our family is very close.  This is our desire.  We consciously and intentionally invest our time so that we are the ones who benefit from this investment together.

Are you spending your time or are you investing it?  Let us know, comment below!

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