Chances are that you picked a few things to work on in 2018. And if you’re a bit like me some of them may have tailed off a bit. That sucks. Now what!?
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Solution: Let’s make a February resolution together. I’ll list three inspirational books. The authors of these books share their secrets about living a prosperous life with you. Pick one, get it from Amazon Prime, (
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) or a retailer of your choice, and read it by the end of February. Let me know your thoughts in the
Awaken Happiness Within Facebook group or in the comments below.
Keeping a commitment for an entire year may be a stretch. But keeping it for a month, we can do that! Let’s take it one month at a time.
Related Post:Â
You’re as Happy as You Think You Are
Inspirational Books for February
Here goes:
- The Secret Prayer by Dr. Joe Vitale
The Secret Prayer: The Three-Step Formula for Attracting Miracles

- The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity by Catherine Ponder
The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity

- Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
Think And Grow Rich

The Secret Prayer
Looking for better relationships, improved health, more love in your life or a fatter wallet? Dr. Joe Vitale shares his insight on why many prayer requests fizzle out. He also explains his three step process which helps you connect with God and manifest desired results quickly.
The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity
God’s desire for us is prosperity and abundance. Unlock the powers of prosperous thinking and universal law that truly benefits all who are concerned. Here is an awesome opportunity to make the world a more prosperous place by practicing the teachings within and sharing them with others.
Think and Grow Rich
Napoleon Hill’s classic novel was inspired by Andrew Carnegie’s desire to document the traits that comprise America’s most wealthy individuals. This was my first exposure to the Law of Attraction. It is referenced (indirectly) in each chapter. The title gives it away. Thoughts do become things, especially when they are paired with a burning desire and God Inspired Action towards the desired goal.
Note: If you prefer a more direct approach to the Law of Attraction, then substitute
The Secret
by Rhonda Byrne for one of the above books.
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Attract Happiness Into Your Life
Your turn! I would like to know your #1 must read book recommendation and why. Leave a comment or share your recommendation on our Facebook page (or both). Let’s help each other out with an amazing month!
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Facebook group: Awaken Happiness Within. Our Facebook group is a community where members can post, comment and share happiness and inspirational materials so that everyone can experience their best life, now.
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Great list! I am a big fan of anything by Gretchen Rubin. her Happiness Project and Better Than Before are particular favorites of mine. I also think The Five Love Languages is a must read for anyone looking to strengthen their relationships with the people in their lives.
Thank you for the recommendations Paula!
Great list! I’m a big fan of anything by Gretchen Rubin. Her Happiness Project is a favorite, as is Better Than Before. I also think The Five Love Languages is a must-read for anyone wanting to strengthen their relationships with those in their lives.
I have not read The Secret, but am thinking maybe I should. Thanks for sharing!
You’re welcome Emily. I think you’ll really like it. I would love to hear your thoughts!
Great book choices. I was only thinking the other day that I’m going to reread Think and Grow Rich.
Wendy, I would love to hear your thoughts on the book!
Great books! ♥ Pin it, thank you for sharing
Thank you Van!
I have recently started using my local library to try out books I would not purchase normally. These sound like very insightful books and I am going to definitely check them out. Just requested from my library, thank you for the suggestions 🙂
Rebecca, I would love to hear your thoughts on the books in our Facebook group or in the comments below.
Thank you for these 3 recommendations! I’m almost finished with The Magic by Rhonda Byrne and will start one of the above three then!
Patti, I haven’t read The Magic yet. I am excited to add it to my list!
Always on the lookout for books that will help me develop and grow! Thanks for these suggestions; I’m off to go download The Secret Prayer on my Kindle!
Divya, I am in the middle of it right now. It is very interesting and helpful!
Think and Grow Rich is already on my list of books to read, and I am glad to write these other two down as well! Thank you for your suggestions! I’m happy to have found your blog 🙂
Thank you Semalee! I’d love to hear your thoughts of the books here or in our Facebook group!